Posted Aug 5, 2024
Dear BeTheHost client
It is with great regret that we inform you that all your services with www.BeThehost.com will be terminating on Sept 11, 2024
BeTheHost will be closing down after 24 years in business.
You will have until Sept 10th to migrate your services to other providers.
On Sept 11th all services will be terminated.
All billing has been cancelled already and the BeTheHost website will pointed to our parent company All-Safe this week.
We apologize for any inconveniences and wish you and your businesses great success.
Robert Merrihue
CEO / President
Dear BeTheHost client
It is with great regret that we inform you that all your services with www.BeThehost.com will be terminating on Sept 11, 2024
BeTheHost will be closing down after 24 years in business.
You will have until Sept 10th to migrate your services to other providers.
On Sept 11th all services will be terminated.
All billing has been cancelled already and the BeTheHost website will pointed to our parent company All-Safe this week.
We apologize for any inconveniences and wish you and your businesses great success.
Robert Merrihue
CEO / President